Timely administration of this antiviral agent may be important in risk reduction.
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The latest in clinical vision science, curated by Dr. Jade Marie Lasiste
Timely administration of this antiviral agent may be important in risk reduction.
Continue readingA large retrospective study seeks to analyze if there is evidence for the current practices opined by ophthalmologists.
Continue readingThe male gender and gain of chromosome 8q are the only significant independent predictive prognostic factors five years after enucleation.
Continue readingThere exists an increased risk of enucleation or evisceration or a visual acuity corresponding to no light perception.
Continue readingA limbal surgical approach is also associated with greater functional visual acuity.
Continue readingIn patients with thin corneas and keratoconus, this treatment is effective in halting thinning and in improving vision and astigmatism.
Continue readingThe largest cohort study thus far found that the extent of retinal detachment and severity of aneurysms, in addition to
Continue readingThe results of this study show that in patients with myopia and normal tension glaucoma, the way the disc is
Continue readingTired of wearing glasses? Aside from refractive laser surgery, refractive lens exchange surgery is also a safe and effective technique.
Continue readingThis 5-year follow-up retrospective cohort study says that it doesn’t matter.
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